Most of us know how effective SMS is as a communication channel. 99% of messages are opened, and 97% of messages are read within 15 minutes - the bottom line is that your messages are being read! The question is whether the content of the message you send has any value to your customers, and ultimately, to your business. Using SMS as a marketing channel requires that you are constantly willing to adapt to your customers’ needs for communication. With that said: here are 6 (and a half) tips for better SMS marketing and communication:

1. Segment

Before using SMS for marketing and communication, you should start by segmenting your customer group. Not all customers should receive offers in a text message, nor are all messages equally suitable for different types of customers. The best way to find out what message to send to who is by dividing your customers into smaller subgroups based on certain criteria. It can be based on what they have already purchased, gender, age, place of residence or something else entirely. No one knows your customers better than you, so it's up to you to choose relevant criteria to base your segmentation on.

2. Less is more

As you know, SMS is very personal, and it doesn't take much before your messages are perceived as intrusive. This is especially important to think about when sending out promotions and other marketing-related messages. it's important to think through when and how often you send out messages. Be short and precise, and only send out relevant messages in moderate quantities at reasonable times. We recommend that you send 1-2 sales-related SMS per month.

3. Make it easy to engage

When you send out a message, it's important that you're clear about what you want to achieve with your communication. Do you want the customer to take advantage of an offer? Include a short link that takes them directly to a product or service with an already discounted price. Do you want the customer to be informed about something specific? Include the information as an attachment in the message. Then, it will be sent as a short link that makes it possible for your customer to read the information. The point is that you should remove all pain points for the customer and make it easy for them to engage with you.

4. Send reminders

SMS can have great advantages when used as a communication tool. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Studies shows that sending an SMS reminder in advance of a doctor's appointment has an enormous effect on the attendance rate. It is safe to assume that the same positive effect will apply to other types of events and happenings.

You can also send out reminders about an offer. But it's important that you have insight into which customers engaged with your previous message about the offer and who didn’t. You can get this insight by sending your offer as an URL using the link shortener at Intellipush. Then, you will easily be able to create a separate contact list with only the customers who didn't click on the URL. This way you will save on the expenses, and your active customers are spared an unnecessary reminder.

5. Reward their loyalty

It's important to remember that those who have agreed to receive SMS marketing and communication from you are your most engaged customers. Being on the SMS list of a business should be treated as something exclusive and should have some exclusive benefits. This can be through exclusive offers only sent to those who have signed up to receive SMS. If you're going to launch a new product or sell tickets to an event, give these customers access and information before everyone else. Reward your customers for their loyalty to you and your business!


FOMO or Fear of Missing Out is the anxiety that creeps up slowly but surely when opportunities present themselves. People with FOMO are afraid of regrets or missing out on good opportunities. Most of us have experienced FOMO to a greater or lesser extent in our lives. Surely, we don't want to miss out on a good offer or great experiences. In marketing, this can be used to create engagement around your offers. You can do this by setting a time limit like a 24-hour offer for example. Or you can have a limited number of products, available appointments, tickets - you name it! The most important thing is that there is an incentive for customers to book, buy or sign up quickly.

0,5. It should be easy to opt out

This half-point is one of the most important points to consider when sending out marketing inquiries via SMS. In Norway you as the sender are required by The Norwegian Consumer Authority to provide the customer with an easy and free way to opt out from your SMS list. It should be easy for the customer to say "no thanks" after every marketing-related message you send out, without it having any negative consequences for the customer. It's also an advantage for you and your company that the customer has the freedom to choose whether to receive SMS from you or not. This way, you will not be perceived as unwanted, intrusive, or invasive by the customer and you will save money by not sending SMS to uninterested customers.